June 26, 2018

Big Brokerage vs Small Brokerage

It’s true that the Merger and Acquisition market is back for the big players in the real estate market. The biggest get bigger. But we all […]
October 18, 2017

Leading to Closing Through Asking Questions

While there are a number of aspects to being successful in a real estate sales career one of them is the most obvious and most overlooked.  […]
June 21, 2017

Tips on Staying Organized in Real Estate

Staying organized is a big part of being successful in real estate sales.  There is a lot to remember such as contingency deadlines, follow up calls, […]
May 25, 2017

10 Traits of Top Producers

Being a high producing real estate professional is no accident.  High producers work hard to achieve excellence at their craft.  Here are the Top 10 elements […]
May 4, 2017

Invest In Your Business

If you met an entrepreneur who told you they were about to open a gas station, daycare, jewelry store or a restaurant and they told you […]
April 26, 2017

Tips For Finding Out Who Owns That Vacant House Your Client Wants

You happen on to a vacant house that doesn’t appear to be listed for sale or your buyer finds one they are interested in buying.  Of […]
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